A Message from the Executive Director

At CCC, every girl is seen and valued. This is not just something we say, it is at the very center of our mission. We work hard to create an environment where every girl can be herself and confidently embrace her full God-given potential. In our classrooms, students are encouraged to try new things, think critically, ask questions, and make mistakes. We believe students learn best in a joyful, affirming environment where each girl is both highly supported and sufficiently challenged.
We are more than a middle school! CCC makes an unwavering commitment to partner with our students and families through college graduation. As you explore our website, I encourage you to learn more about our unique approach to teaching and learning, the graduate support program, and student enrichment opportunities. There are many ways to get involved in our mission. I hope you will consider visiting our school for an admissions tour or our monthly Character Champions Assembly. Please visit our Engage With Us section to learn more!
Brianne Wetzel
Executive Director